Why I decided to leave Younique after only 60 days..

January 9, 2019 I made the huge scary leap to join a direct sales company. Younique. They specialize in make up, skin care, and even fragrances.

For the first month, I was super excited, extremely motivated, and definitely bound for success (according to my upline and teammates). I double promoted in the first 18 days.

Let’s back it up a minute.. I have never been a huge make up mogul. I wore crap from Walmart and the dollar store. I didn’t know what good make up was.

Younique said I didn’t need to have experience. That I will learn as I went. Seemed easy.

Okay, back on track. So double promoted in 18 days. Let’s talk about that. When you buy your kit, they send you a white status charm but you’re not actually white status until you sell $125 in personal retail sales (PRS). Then, once you sell $500 PRS, you promote to yellow. You will never drop below yellow again. Yellow comes with another charm, and a permanent pay raise (yep! Now you make 25% commissions on your sales).

Here’s the part that no one realized – I basically bought my own promotion. I bought two booster bundles (exclusive to brand new presenters in their first 30 days) that gave me commissions and went towards my PRS. Plus, I bought Kudos of the month. So my commissions weren’t actually commissions. They were simply discounts for myself. Plus I did a couple mystery bags and sample bags. So someone bought a bag for $25-$30 bucks and then I sent them a product valued at more than the bag. I paid the remainder of the product, the shipping to me, and the taxes. Then, when I received the item, I paid the shipping at the post office. (I shipped 3 small packages and it cost me $56 dollars from my own pocket!)

Over my 60 days, I spent more than I made.

In the first month alone, I spent 10 hours a day on Facebook following training, messaging people, posting, doing live videos. When I did the math, I was making 0.36¢ an hour. That’s it. It absolutely was NOT worth my time, or effort. Maybe one day, but not today.

I kept trying to push through, and tell myself that one day, it will be worth it. One day I will be black status. One day.

So let’s just dive right into the business aspect of the company… If I could use 3 words or phrases to describe this company, I would use the following: Cold messaging. Friend farming. Spam.

You spend all your time in your messenger, cold messaging people to join your team, host parties, or sell them your products.

Let me just say: cold messaging is bogus. I had more people block me than turn into a customer or recruit. Those people were potential customers and my spammy messages deterred them from even being my friend. I struggled so hard with cold messaging. I only did it the first month or so. I annoyed myself.

Friend farming – well, that’s simple. The virtual parties we hosted? Yeah, we didn’t really care about qualifying the party, and getting sales. We just wanted access to your friends list. Every single person you added to the party, we added as friends, and then messaged them for more parties, sales, and recruits. It was a vicious cycle. The parties were copy and pasted from one party to the next. It really wasn’t personalized. Then again, we didn’t care about that, we cared about time efficiency. We rarely qualified parties and if we did, they were our own. If we had big bulk orders or our own orders we were taught to put the parties in our own name to reap additional rewards. We were even told to create party links for our spouses or kids in order to get hostess rewards (you got more Y Cash and better free products as a host, instead of a presenter)

Spam. Oh boy. All our messages were generic. “Hey darlin’!” or “Hey girl!” was always the start of the message. Why? So we could mass forward the messages to hundreds of women at the same time. Again, not caring to be personal.

The only time we got personal was during relationship building. Why did we relationship build? So you would join our team and buy our products. I hated the fact I was told to use your statuses as a way in. If someone was having a hard time, to message them and offer a listening ear. Just know, if I messaged you to offer you a listening ear – it was not to exploit you, it was because I genuinely care.

Now, I met a couple pretty awesome women, and formed real true bonds. But, those bonds were over my sobriety, not my company. These women were not customers or recruits. These women didn’t get spammy messages from me. These women messaged ME to talk about ME and we bonded over ME. I’m thankful those women haven’t seen me as selfish, because that’s how I feel.

That being said – the main selling point of Younique is to Uplift, Empower, and Validate other women, right? Well maybe for some, but not all. I still saw cattiness and bullying. I still saw people talking smack about other women – including other presenters. I’m sure this blog post won’t go over well, once it’s out.

Can we actually talk about the products now?

So, I went to my best friend’s house over the weekend and she only uses high end products.. Urban Decay, Kat Von D, Becca, Tarte, etc. She was genuinely curious about how Younique eyeshadows compared to her Tarte palette. We figured out that the Tartiest Pro palette was $3.77 per gram while the Younique palette was over $8 per gram. So, her thoughts were “Younique better blow Tarte out of the water!” and then we decided to do a swatch test. Weeelllll, Younique failed. Miserably. It’s patchy, muddy, and unable to blend. The only color that held up during the swatch, was their metallic shade. Two matte shades FAILED.


On 3 swatches, the top shade is the Tarte and the bottom shade is Younique. That picture above is before blending..


The Younique colors almost completely disappeared after blending!

We then put the liquid lipstick to the test. We put both lipsticks on, and waited 5 minutes. At the end of the 5 minutes we ran our finger over the spot. This was the result…


The bottom lipstick… Is $10 Covergirl Outlast lipstick. The top is the Younique Liquid Lip Splash – which is $32. I’d like to state that lipstick should not smudge or transfer especially when advertised as kiss proof.

Let’s just show one more thing.. My friend has clear skin. No dryness, no patches, no acne, etc. I gave her the Touch Cream Foundation to try, for free. This is what happened..


Check out her cheek and nose! That’s not what should happen with a $36 foundation! It doesn’t even cover her freckles! She let it sit for 15 mins and it was also transferring like crazy!

I had a friend return the 3D-Fibre lashes THREE times to another presenter, before I finally offered her an Epic mascara for free, plus a lip gloss for her trouble. She didn’t like the Epic, after all that. So, I lost $61 in products to have a non-returning customer. Lovely, huh?

Well, then I managed to get my butt into Sephora for the first time… Oh my GOD! It was AMAZING! I walked in, and was helped right away. Within minutes I had brand new foundation on my face, tailored to my skin type, and skin color. I went with Laura Mercier. She created her foundation specifically for women who have horrible acne and rosacea. This FULL coverage, matte foundation is amazing! No transferring, covered ALL my blemishes, not cakey, or flakey… I couldn’t believe it. It was only a few dollars more than Younique’s liquid foundation which is dewy, only a medium coverage, and transfers so bad that my black winter coat has a white collar now! (the closest I’ll ever get to white collar lol).

These photos have no filter or beautifying tools on my face. Similar colors used. Both photos taken in selfie mode on my Samsung S9.

Younique Products


Sephora Products



Excuse me, but how do you call yourself high end make up?

Younique presenters state the following to their potential customers “Younique products are comparable to Huda. The eyeshadows are better than ABH because they have fall out and we don’t”. Uhm, if I was affiliated with Huda, I’d be PISSED. To my knowledge, Huda is better than Tarte, and Tarte kicks Younique’s ass.

Now let’s discuss what happened when I brought this up to my upline..

So, I messaged my direct upline – meaning the woman who sponsored me, telling her about my discoveries with the swatches, and how dissatisfied I was in the products. Told her I’m having a hard time being passionate about these products. Asked her for reassurance.

She had two responses.

The first was to trouble shoot the products with me.

You need primer. You need setting products. You’re using too much. You’re not applying it right.

Wait… So I need to buy more products to make these products work? (Which is exactly what I posed to her)

Her next response..

If you don’t like it then don’t sell it. I don’t have time to justify or convince you otherwise.

Ohkay. So, let me get this straight… You boast about sisterhood, yet, you’re response was THAT? I thought we were friends? Guess not? What about if I was a customer? Would you just block me and move on?

This company preys on women who do not know make up, so they don’t question the products.


Well, I didn’t know make up and I still found out it’s garbage… I feel AWFUL for selling these products to my FRIENDS – because I didn’t sell to a single person who isn’t a friend. I didn’t get random people ordering from my website. I harassed my FRIENDS to try the products. My credibility is out the window with these people, yet I still have to look them in the face.

That’s what Younique did for me in 60 days.

At first, I stated how much confidence they gave me, and how wonderful of a company they were. No! I gave myself confidence and Younique is not wonderful.

I didn’t need Younique to become an inspiration to other people. My sobriety did that, not Younique.

Younique is a scam. They sell crap products to innocent women who don’t know any better. (No offence – I didn’t know any better either)

They will say make up artists use our products but, ask any presenter to name a make up artist (who isn’t affiliated with Younique!) who willingly uses these products – betcha they can’t name one.

Jeffree Star won’t even touch the stuff!

I’d like to also take a quick second to talk about Younique posts.


^^^ that is an actual post from a Younique representative to try to discredit SEPHORA! Say whaaaat?

Or how about this…


I Google image reversed that photo – they are not even Younique products!!!


Oh gosh! Another one!

I can’t even.

We are taught to change our entire profiles and only be positive. No rants, no negative comments, no controversy, no drama. Our Facebook profile is our store. Makes sense but… Who is TRULY that positive ALL the time?

The biggest thing I’ve seen said amongst reps is

Fake it until you make it

Well, faking = lying.

We are taught to make ourselves appear more successful than we are. Our customers are ourselves.. Yes, that’s right! You heard me correctly! Younique representatives are the customers! (In fact, the presenter perk for March is to sell 10 overpriced kudos but only 5 of them have to go through under someone else’s name. You can buy 5 yourself! And don’t you worry, you can just put the orders under your husband or kid too, to get the other 5)

Wanna know another lie? “Younique is cruelty free”. That’s right, we have to keep up with the facade that we are cruelty free. Uhm, no, Younique is not cruelty free. All mascaras have beeswax in it. NO products are tested on animals (so they say) but they do NOT trace their ingredients back to the original source. They SAY that they are in the process of getting approved as cruelty free… How many years can you say that for in a row, though? Needless to say, even if they don’t personally test on animals… They aren’t cruelty free, and if you are vegan, you should AVOID Younique.

I think I’ve pretty much said all that I’ve needed to say on the subject other than this…

To my friends and family who purchased from me to support me – I thank you for that. Truly. I am also very sorry for any spammy messages you received. I’m EXTREMELY sorry for boasting about products that I no longer stand behind – even if I once did. I will never ever stop feeling bad about that.

To my customers who are waiting on orders: Your orders are at the post office and I will be shipping them out in the next couple of days.

Lastly, to anyone who joined my team: I am so deeply sorry for leaving Younique, and leaving you. If this article has changed your mind about selling Younique, we can fix this.

I love you all so much and have big things planned for the future. I cannot wait to share it all with you, and I still want to do live videos!

Now, time for me to go and remove a BUNCH of people off my Facebook. Lol.


Published by S.M. Phoenix

I am a Canadian, single mom of two girls, who writes.

54 thoughts on “Why I decided to leave Younique after only 60 days..

  1. Way to stay a stand up girl Shannon!
    I cannot sell a product I don’t believe in either. This world is insane and depressing as it is, we need to be able to wake up everyday and at least know we are truthful and caring even if the rest of the world isn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words!
      It is so crazy how many people stand behind products they don’t like!
      If 1000+ people don’t like a product, it means it’s not good. It doesn’t mean they are applying it wrong lol. Ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow! This is eye opening. Thank you for the honesty. Yikes!!! I love to try everything and l did try it and wasn’t a fan. I am too in the business but l 1st started in direct selling bags and then food and they were not nice people and almost cutthroat so l hated it and got out. I’m now in the skincare/makeup biz and omgoodness l love it. I did NOT signup to “sell” it though but l was in love with how my skin felt afterwards and l honestly just wanted the wholesale pricing. I can not believe that the these companies are paying 25% – 35% in commissions!!! Ummm… are you kidding me? The amount of work going into this deserves soooo much more. I tried the products l use now and fell in love but l didn’t know much about the company and in my 1st two months l passively sold $1200 worth of skincare and lipstick all because a coworker touched my face in an elevator and asked me what l was using. It was a very uncomfortable situation but there l was and BAM! So not all of these DS companies are bad. I just left my full time job and now only work my business and l never relied on friends and family who seem to think you OWE them a discount. Nope, not interested in that kind of customer. You just have to figure out what will work for you. Good luck to you in your next chapter 😉


      2. I never realized this about the younique company. I did notice that sone of the metalics or palettes such as #3 didn’t blend well.But in the pics sephora mascara makes the lashes pop more and the eyeliner.Also you can tell how much brighter and less dull the eyeshadow is with the sephora picture. I am about ready gibe up as I seem be wanting to buy more then sell. And they say I am white presenter younique dose. I am not getting sales. I only have one affilliate to help me. I signed up my upline helped me my consilatant paid half so I could get my 99.starter kit. I dont have alot of money and wear make up that often but my main go to is mascara and blush atleast. Problem is I have sensativities to certain products sense I was a teen I have only been able to wear Alamay or Avon products on my face. I tried younique and havent had any skin reactions. It seems like I am not gping to make it selling it. I want I sell but not sure about there products but know how to pick peoples shades and colors and do others make up and help them. I want do something I like to do as well. Thank you for bringing the problem with there products to my attention.


    2. Sorry your experience was so bad but please dont lump everyone into that category. I have been a presenter almost 2 years, I never “cold message, spam, or compare the products to any other company”. I have always been authentic, do Facebook Lives with me putting the makeup on. I dont bug people to join my team, I simply talk about the opportunity, and when someone joins my “Y-Family” I dont abandon them, but help them get started and am always available to help or answer questions. I love Younique for more than the products, for their Younique Foundation that helps women that were sexually abused as kids or teens. It’s about mindset and approach. I teach my girls to never cold message or be spammy. We never use copy and paste mass messages. I respect your choices, just ask that you not paint everyone with the same paintbrush you were given by your group.


      1. It sucks that you feel that I’m lumping everyone into it however I was definitely talking about my group or Younique Corporate as a whole. Unfortunately, guilty by association, as in the real world. Just because you don’t do it personally doesn’t mean this post shouldn’t have been written.
        Please don’t even get me started on the Younique Foundation. I would google some of their business reports though, if I were you. The money doesn’t exactly go to where they claim.
        Also, posting “my lip bon bon raises awareness/supports sexually abused women” is the cringiest thing that can be posted and it is EVERYWHERE.
        You do not have to like my blog but this company is the worst company out there doe DS. I am thinking about a part 2 💁🏻‍♀️


      2. I have never used any of their products and I do not know anyone personally who works for Younique, but I do know this, they are FAR from the worst company out there. If you think that, then you really need to get out more. I do enjoy skincare and cosmetics, and have spent tons in Sephora on high end make up. I have even used KVD, Tarte and Laura Mercier, the brands you mentioned and guess what??? They ALL recommend other products to make their products look better. If you knew how to apply makeup, you would know that all brands suggest you use primer before foundation, even Laura Mercier. I guarantee who ever did your makeup at Sephora used it. Not only that, but not EVERY product, or company is suited to or works for EVERYONE. The issue your friend had with the foundation is a problem with her skin and NO foundation would keep that covered without additional products, even Laura Mercier. Why are you making it your personal mission to try to bad-mouth this company? Obviously, many women use their products, make plenty of money selling them and have NONE of the issues you do. Also, guilty by association??? Really?? I don’t know what world you live in, but that view is not shared in the real world. Not everything is for everyone. No need to write part 2, chalk it up to a bad experience and move on.


  2. Beautifully said and really enjoyed readying this! I’ve gotten caught up in similiar scams and it’s sucks to feel like you’ve been duped, but you’ve said it beautifully. Thank you for the great read and I wish you nothing but success in a truthful and productive life!


      1. I joined in april when i got my kit i was disaapointed but still wanted to do it. While i reading all the training and watching the videos i felt robbed cause there was so much to do n suck little reward n the kit had double products and stuff i wld never use but few thungs i thought were nice. There were people who even left younique n said they had great makeup but the makeup is not good at all. But still wanting to give this a. Chance i spent another $180 whi k by the way i spent $300 for the kit that was better than the $200 kit. I waited for so long to order the foundatiin the stick and liqiud n the brush i was so excited. When i tell it was garbage Thats no exaggeration it was cakey it left a white on the skin the brush was small n didnt brush nice the fondation stick didnt cover tatoos.im glad i didn’t jump into the videos.but i didn’t message alot of people. There is no real money I this.


  3. You can’t try something for only 60 days and magically end up wildly successful. In the beginning you have to dish out more than you probably want in order to build up for base of products. No one succeeded in the direct sales business instantly. Younique is a quality makeup and skin care brand, but you did not learn or take the time to learn everything that would have helped you be successful. You don’t have to cold message people. Just by doing a live video or posting a pre-recorded video to your page talking about products gets your name out there and as people share it you earn customers. By showing people the products and letting them see you use the products is how you earn customers. People want to see the products be used before they go get it themselves. You do not have to be fake in order to be successful. Be true to who you are and use your platform as a younique presenter to amplify that. It takes time and patients in order to succeed in direct sales. So, don’t go bashing this company because you chose to give up.


    1. I do not have to justify any of this to you, but I will most certainly respond, because you seem confused.
      Did you even read the blog? Lol.
      It wasn’t about me not being wildly successful.
      It’s about the products being garbage and proof of it.
      It was about the lies we are told to tell.
      It’s about the money we lose to try and succeed.
      My upline told us to cold message.
      My upline told us to “make it until you make it”.
      Anyways, you must be a presenter.
      Might I suggest typing “why I left Younique” into the search bar of YouTube?
      Have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I’m not asking you to justify anything. Yes I am presenter. Yes I read the blog and I am certainly not confused about anything. I guess your experience as a presenter depends on who your upline is. My upline personally doesn’t believe in cold messaging people and doesn’t believe in being fake. I have not personally found that the products are garbage and they actually do what they are advertised to do. But to each their own. But I would learn the facts before you go trashing a highly successful company.

        Also, everyone in business knows that you lose money in the beginning until you’re established and then you slowly makeup what has been lost. So I will stick to what I said about quitting after 60 days.


    2. She didn’t “give up”. She started noticing trends, and tested the makeup herself, which was a huge eye-opener for her. Once you notice something you don’t like in a relationship (in thise case, Younique), you start noticing EVERYTHING wrong. The products are not worth the price, they do not hold up to their marketing standard, and she does not believe in these products. I respect her for her desicion. She would rather not stay in a company with shitty products and con people, but, you certainly sound like you enjoy! Have fun living that con-life!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Nasty con-woman. She litterally spelled out every reason she had for poonique being complete garbage, and you still defend it. Its disgusting how you force this low quality crap makeup down unsuspecting idiot’s throats. Despicable.


    4. Hahaha, Single Momma is right. You didn’t read a thing she wrote. It’s crazy reading about how this company mistreats it’s own reps, that’s setting aside the pyramid scheme thing….

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Just gonna say FUCK THIS PERSON who says Younique is quality and that you gave up. For the most part, no one succeeds at direct sales. The data is easily available to show how wrong Lauren’s argument is. Lauren, your friends only buy your shit and share your posts because it’s either a train wreck or because they feel sorry for you. And also Lauren, what do you expect her to do when she asked her upline for help and they were like you’re doing it wrong and I don’t have time to convince you? Wtf?
      SM – You got out of an abusive relationship and even people who don’t know you are proud of you for that. Don’t let these crazy women make you feel bad for anything. You’re on the right track. ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

    6. Wow, that was a super predictable hun response smfh.
      Exactly how this company & their business model is so predatory!!! Blaming someone for not doing well in the company. Look up the stats on the percentage of people who actually make money. It’s pathetic.
      If you read this whole article and still defend MLM/Younique, something is truly off with you.

      Liked by 1 person

    7. so many People criticise all kinds of company’s. You don’t see people saying they don’t like MAC and then have a bunch of people telling them they’re wrong. That’s what’s so crazy about younique, the people who stand by it are like stans, if anyone has a different opinion they go nuts. It’s weird to me honestly.

      Liked by 1 person

    8. You are seriously delusional if you think that these products are great, if you want to keep your head in the sand and not see the obvious then that’s on you but only people who are dumb enough to be a presenter still see Younique as amazing, they are well known to be complete crap and I would bet good money that if we saw all of your REAL financials you didn’t make any real money and I can also guarantee most of your FB friends make fun your business behind your back. Don’t sit here and blame her just because she is smarter then you are and can actually research a product line or test it out. You are just a fraud that doesn’t care enough to actually stand behind a truly good product you would rather stay naive while taking advantage of people.

      Liked by 1 person

    9. Let me tell you something, Younique and other pyramid scheme brands like them are the laughingstock of the makeup community. It’s a scam and everyone knows it. There’s countless posts and tweets about how to avoid them and making fun of the people that believe it so deeply. There are so many things you could do with your time that would actually create financial balance. Learn a trade, learn a craft, hell, even make tacky decorations for old people, who cares? Just don’t continuously prey on gullible, uneducated, vunerable people. These are real families you’re projecting this crap on.
      To the author of this article, I’m glad you got out when you could, I’m sure your friends will forget about it eventually. Anyone can fall for this stuff, especially people with kiddos and limited ways of making money. I hope the best for you.


    10. This whole comment is what is wrong with this company. People have criticism it’s because they failed is not accurate. I was a black status presenter, team of over 3000 and I walked away last year because morally and ethically I couldn’t carry on with the things I saw the company doing. Feel free to have a read of my last blog post just to back up what this woman is saying. It doesn’t depend who your upline is, it doesn’t depend on how much effort you put in or how much stock you buy, things are bad on a big scale and things need to change


    11. Let’s discuss the toxic ingredients under the guise of “natural” “naturally based” even organic claims in the beginning. All lies! Oh and let’s not forget about the current law suit because of these claims.


  4. I too sold younique for quite some time, and I cannot say that you missed a beat on any of it, their are certain products I personally like, however I spent a whole lot of money to figure that out, as a younique presenter you are the consumer absolutely 100% they encourage doing live videos atleast 3 times a week, which means you wear more makeup and hence need to buy more! I had a decent downline and a good customer base but you best believe I did alot of cold messaging and bugging the tar out of my friends, absolutely awful

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow! I’m sorry you had this experience. I know that it’s discouraging…but don’t give up on the profession because of it. There are companies out there that do what they say! It took me a long time to find one…but I learned a lot in the process!


  6. I bought the foundation to cover my tattoos for work .when it didnt cover like they stated i was then sold the primer .when that did not work i was sold the concealer and setting spray.so close to $120 in products and guess what you can still see my tattoos .so when i asked for application advice i was told to use a blending bud and “blot it on “blotting without rubbing it in obviously covers it but doesnt absore leaving it to transfer to clothes and other things it came in contact with .also isnt how you wear such products.the 3d mascara caused my real eyelashes to fall out and was so clumpy.i was then told you had to brush them out and blowdry them .like pardo me this is mascara you didnt tell me i had to brush and blowdry your clumps .it wasnt shown in your lives .i was so disgusted .


    1. Try Dermablend. It’s what dancers use to cover tattoos. I forget which departmebt stores have it, but it’s by the rest of the cosmetics and the salesperson at the counter will find the shade closest to your skin, and then you can use your regular makeup on top if necessary. Use a good fixatkve spray on top, and it’ll stay put until you intentionally remove it. I don’t work for them, I just know a lot of dancers 🙂


  7. I too was a younique presenter.. I was my BEST customer for a year 😦
    I guess I didn’t want to give up.. but after spending $125 every 3 months I GAVE UP. What I hated most was when they would make new stuff.. they didn’t have enough. I am not a huge makeup person either, I’m more skincare.. and finally found my right company and I hope you do too!!!


  8. Thank you so much for this post. I found it very insightful. It is good that you found your way out. I don’t think it would have gotten better over time, probably only worse.


  9. Found this on Reddit. A lot of people are grateful, impressed and heartened to read this.

    A lot more people will be more informed.

    Well done for seeing through it all and having the conviction to get out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m seriously fangirling! I read YOUR blog after I wrote and published mine! I actually tweeted you lol
      Do you mind messaging me on my Facebook page? I had a couple questions 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sorry for the delayed reply. For some reason I don’t think I can message another Facebook page through my own page 😦 However, if you drop me a line via mlmtruth.org/contact we can chat from there? 🙂


  10. I really appreciate you speaking honestly about your experience. I think a person could easily get a feel for the company in 60 days. I’m happy you didn’t hold on to some malignant hope that kept you stuck in it way longer than you should.
    I am a serious makeup aficionado and I will not use Younique products. By and large they are overpriced, poorly performing, low end products. The prices are jacked up to pay the “pyramid”. A person could use Wet N Wild makeup with better results for 1/4 the price. And hoooooo boy, let’s talk about the shade range for foundations. Apparently they don’t really want people of color buying it.


  11. This was an amazing and inspiring post! I have a friend from HS selling this, and man o man, the part about making your profile super positive is spot on with her. Her live videos are so cringeworthy I just want to pull her aside and tell her to stop! It’s up to the individual to find out if you truly live something, make it and sell it yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This is crazy to read!! I can’t believe how bad this company is. I’ve read lots of blogs by ex younique presenters and they ALL say the same thing. In conclusion, it’s a scam. I’m really happy for you that you got out of this. I too am working on my sobriety (3 years 5 month sober!!) and I can’t imagine a company using something like that to reel me in just so they can poop all over me.
    Keep writing about your experience with MLMs. It’s so important for all those people who are wondering why they aren’t making a ton of money in these scams. You’ve reached people, I’m all the way down in Sydney, Australia, and just by writing about your experience you’ve helped detour me from a path that I was looking to start. I’m the perfect example of who they’d target, someone who’s kind of lonely, doesn’t love my job, believes in company’s that empower women, and enjoys makeup. Thankfully, I’d realise straight away the difference with younique to my usual brands and catch on pretty quickly, but I could have paid money I don’t have to get to that point.
    Good luck with your sobriety!! Xx

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  13. Way to go! I’m glad you got out when you did before you lost too much money or too many friends.

    I’ve seen many friends fall foul of pyramid schemes (not just Younique). They prey on women who often DO need an empowering sisterhood of women, but an MLM is not the place to find one.

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  14. Honestly I have nothing else to add just want to say BRAVO for standing up and speaking out! You said everything I would have plus more!
    I’ve tried to make a run of it with this company twice and its literally just a “sisterhood” putting heavy pressure on you to do exactly what you mentioned. Cold messaging. Friend farming. Etc. I hated it. For a while i just remained a “discount diva” to get the discount for my own makeup and then began to realize the quality was not all that I thought (or was told it was) Needless to say I’m back at Ulta and happily avoid anyone that jumps in my inbox ands say the word Younique.


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